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Meu Diário Loko 26/11/2013

26/11/2013 18:07

Me tornei uma pessoa fria, mas meu coração ainda arde de amor. Minha frieza apenas mascara a chama que arde dentro de mim, exigindo um amor que não traga dor.

"E o que você faz da vida ?" "Olha, geralmente eu faço muita merda."

"Sabe aquela menina que você chama de gorda? Ela vomita 5 vezes por dia. Sabe aquela menina que você zoa por passar o dia todo de casaco? Ela o usa para esconder os cortes."

Eu durmo na esperança de não acordar .


This is literally me. Every. Single. Night.

Esconda as cicatrizes, coloque um sorriso falso no rosto, ninguem vai realmente perceber que você esta morrendo por dentro.










do this for me to show u care

this situation is so scary. someone’s life can depend on a phone call

i remember this. i didn’t want to believe he took his life. i kept calling and calling but no answer…

this is probably the scariest thing I’ve ever had too do.

This is one of the scariest situations I’ve ever been in.

I’ve been on both sides of that phone call, I’ve called someone crying begging them to answer because I didn’t want to lose them, and I’ve called someone begging them to answer because I needed them, I needed someone to answer and remind me that someone cares enough about me to answer a phone. And when no one answers, no matter what side of the phone you’re on, you die inside.

i hate this feeling so bloody much 

this is the most horrible feeling in the world, not knowing if they are alright or not and the feelings you get in your stomach and everywhere when they dont answer is heartbreaking and sickening

Horrible feeling ew

Eu costumo guardar as coisas para mim, porque na realidade, ninguém realmente se importa.




sad b&w blog♣

sad b&w blog♣